Walking Group
The walking Sub Committee is led for four fabuous WI members.
Gillian Pinkard
Suzanne Lewis
Tricia Gardiner
& Debbie Hallgren
Look out on Facebook and email for different walks, at various times of day/week and varying levels of walking ability.
Downs link going North
A 2 hour ish largely off road walk.
Starting at Lintot Square going up the Down link, and coming off at the Bax Castle.
Returning over fields ending up in Easteds Lane via Blakes Farm Road.
Christs Hospital Loop
A relatively flat 5k up to Christs' Hospital back via New Road onto Worthing Road starting and finishing in Lintot Square
Horsham Town
The sun shone for this 4 mile walk, largely off road and ending up in a local watering hole.
And only £2 for the bus trip back too. A lovely warm and sunny evening in great company.
And only £2 for the bus trip back too. A lovely warm and sunny evening in great company.